6th Semester, Elective Courses, Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Rural Systems & Rural Sociology
Didactics – Agricultural Education
Course features
Elective Course
Credits : 5
RE&D Department
Lecture Hours : 5
Lab Hours : 0
Spring Semester

Laboratory & Teaching Staff
Her research interests are amongst others in the field of professional mindset and competences development of the modern agronomist agent of chance, transformative learning, and participatory approaches in teaching, with emphasis on the experiential method and in outdoor education and nature connectedness.

His research interests revolve around sustainable rural development focusing on topics such as agricultural extension (interactive innovation & communication), training & education, project design and evaluation, with emphasis on systemic and participatory approaches.
Course Content
This is an introductory course in the main concepts, methodologies and practices of didactics focusing on technical-occupational education (with emphasis on agricultural education)
By successfully completing the course students will be able to
- Describe, distinguish and explain the fundamental concepts, theories and methodologies of general and technical/agricultural education (and training)
- Select and justify the appropriate strategies and teaching forms/techniques, and teaching aids which, under certain circumstances, will secure the success of the teaching intervention/event.
- Develop appropriate teaching/learning objectives, teaching plan and evaluation method(s) within a given curriculum.
- Develop a curriculum (aims and objectives, content/knowledge, learning experiences, structure/programme and evaluation)
- Evaluate a teaching intervention/event and a given curriculum
- Cooperate with peers to collect appropriate materials so as to put together and present a piece of work related to the course contents/interests.