6th Semester, Elective Courses, Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Rural Systems & Rural Sociology
Didactics – Agricultural Education
Course features
Elective Course
Credits : 5
RE&D Department
Lecture Hours : 5
Lab Hours : 0
Spring Semester
His research interests revolve around sustainable rural development focusing on topics such as agricultural extension (interactive innovation & communication), training & education, project design and evaluation, with emphasis on systemic and participatory approaches.
Course Content
This is an introductory course in the main concepts, methodologies and practices of didactics focusing on technical-occupational education (with emphasis on agricultural education)
By successfully completing the course students will be able to
- Describe, distinguish and explain the fundamental concepts, theories and methodologies of general and technical/agricultural education (and training)
- Select and justify the appropriate strategies and teaching forms/techniques, and teaching aids which, under certain circumstances, will secure the success of the teaching intervention/event.
- Develop appropriate teaching/learning objectives, teaching plan and evaluation method(s) within a given curriculum.
- Develop a curriculum (aims and objectives, content/knowledge, learning experiences, structure/programme and evaluation)
- Evaluate a teaching intervention/event and a given curriculum
- Cooperate with peers to collect appropriate materials so as to put together and present a piece of work related to the course contents/interests.