Laboratory of Political Economy and European Integration

Lab Director: Andreas Drichoutis - Associate Professor

The Laboratory of Political Economy & European Integration was founded in the year 2000 (Government Gazette 72 / AD / 10-3-2000) and belongs to the Department of Agricultural Economics & Development of the Agricultural University of Athens.

The purpose of the Laboratory is to offer teaching, research and consulting services with high level criteria in the subjects of political economy, European economic integration, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis as well as topics of applied econometrics, applied economic statistics and construction of and shopping.

Mission of the Laboratory

The mission of the Laboratory of Political Economy & European Integration is primarily to cover the teaching and research needs at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the scientific topics of the laboratory.

In particular, the mission of the laboratory is:

  • The coverage at undergraduate and postgraduate level of the teaching and research needs of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development as well as the other Departments of the Agricultural University of Athens.
  • The collaboration of any kind with research centers and academic institutions in Greece and abroad, as long as the scientific goals coincide, go hand in hand and complement each other with those of the Laboratory.
  • The organization of scientific lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific events, the realization of publications and publications and the invitation of Greek and foreign recognized scientists.
  • The provision of services to individuals according to the provisions of Government Gazette 53 / AD / 159/1984.

Laboratory Courses

Faculty & Staff

Laboratory Staff

Lab Director, Associate Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4781, e-mail:
Associate Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4785, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: =30 210 529 4765, e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel.: +30 210 529 4725, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4720, e-mail:
Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4775, e-mail:
Professor, Tel,: +30 210 529 4727, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4744, e-mail: