Doctoral Studies Program

Doctoral Studies Program

The AOA department operates a Doctoral Studies program that is governed by Regulation 4286 / 27.9.2018. The Department announces the positions of the Doctoral Candidates based on the subject of the position to be filled up to three times a year. The minimum duration for obtaining a Doctoral Degree is 3 full calendar years, from the date of appointment of the three-member advisory committee while the maximum duration of doctoral studies is 5 full calendar years, from the date of appointment of the three-member advisory committee. So far, 29 doctorates have been announced by the Department while the current number of PhD Candidates is 19.

Director of doctoral studies: Ntaliani Maria – Assistant Professor.

Doctoral studies officer: Ntalagiorgos Sotirios -Administrative Staff

Post-Doctoral Studies

The AOA department has approved a Regulation for the Preparation of Postdoctoral Research, which aims to create high quality scientific research. The duration of the postdoctoral research may not be less than 1 full calendar year and more than 3 years from the date of the decision to accept the postdoctoral researcher by the General Assembly of the Department. The current number of postdoctoral fellowships is 3.