Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Rural Systems & Rural Sociology

Lab Director: Professor Alexandros Koutsouris

The Laboratory of Agricultural Extension of Rural Systems and Agricultural Sociology was founded in 2000 (Government Gazette AD / 72 / 10-3-2000) as an evolution of the Tutorial of Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Applications, and belongs to the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.

The lab serves teaching and research needs in the scientific subjects of agricultural extension, agricultural systems, agricultural sociology, social research methods, rural environmental protection policy, and agricultural education.

Laboratory Courses

Faculty & Staff

Laboratory Staff

Lab Director, Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4721, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4711, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4723, e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel: 210 529 4892, e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel: 210 529 4773, e-mail: