Laboratory of Informatics

Lab Director: Constantina Costopoulou - Professor

The Informatics Laboratory of AUA was established in 1989, as part of the Division of Informatics, Mathematics & Statistics. It has as its mission to support the research and educational needs of all faculties of the university.

Its main activity is the education of students on topics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), so that the graduates of AUA can effectively use ICT in their everyday jobs. Moreover, its activities include research in topics of Agricultural Informatics and the application of ICT in Agriculture and Rural Development.

Laboratory Courses


Faculty & Staff

Laboratory Staff

Lab Director, Professor , Tel.: +30 210 529 4183, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4174, e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel: 210 529 4205, e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel.: +30 210 529 4202, e-mail:
Assistant Professor, Tel.: +30 210 529 4192, e-mail:
Assistant Professor , Tel.: +30 210 529 , e-mail:
Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Tel.: +30 210 529 4451, e-mail: