6th Semester


Εισαγωγή στη γλώσσα R για την Επιστήμη των Δεδομένων

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Θεωρία Εισαγωγή στη γλώσσα R για την Επιστήμη των Δεδομένων Εγκατάσταση R, RStudio και περιβάλλον RStudio Τύποι Δεδομένων, Αριθμητικοί και Λογικοί Τελεστές, Δομές Ελέγχου Συναρτήσεις Πίνακες: Δημιουργία και Επεξεργασία Πινάκων Προεπεξεργασία Δεδομένων Οπτικοποίηση Δεδομένων Εκσφαλμάτωση και Διαχείριση λαθών Μοντέλα μηχανικής μάθησης   Εργαστήριο Πρακτική εξάσκηση όλων των ανωτέρω αντικειμένων στον υπολογιστή.     Course Layout  […]

Public Economics

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The course Public Economics investigates the role of the public sector in the economic arena. It examines and analyzes in depth the interventions of the state in the operation of national economies and, in particular, taxation and public spending. By the end of this course the students will have sufficient knowledge and economic understanding of […]


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120 days
The Internship for the students of the Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development is required. The Internship has a total duration of four (4) months (120 calendar days including weekends), of which at least fifty (50) calendar days must take place outside the AUA. The students, when carrying out the Internship in a private […]

Plant Physiology

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Aim of the course is to introduce and explore the physiology of the vascular plants. In the first unit, are discussed the plant functions and their coordination in the plant organism. The second unit, aims to the understanding of the basic functions –photosynthesis, transpiration, cellular respiration, plant nutrition- which are the basic knowledge for upcoming […]


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1.Overview of soil systems (historical review, soil systems, soil genesis). 2. Soil particle-size analysis (classification of soil particles and their role in nature, soil textural classes). 3. Soil minerals (primary minerals: structure, physicochemical properties, weathering; secondary minerals: structure, physicochemical properties of clay-silicate minerals; Fe and Al oxides and hydroxides). 4. Chemical properties of soils (cation […]

Didactics – Agricultural Education

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This is an introductory course in the main concepts, methodologies and practices of didactics focusing on technical-occupational education (with emphasis on agricultural education) By successfully completing the course students will be able to Describe, distinguish and explain the fundamental concepts, theories and methodologies of general and technical/agricultural education (and training) Select and justify the appropriate […]

Geographic Information Systems

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The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of GIS, to address the theoretical concepts of vector and grid data and to deal with the analysis and processing of spatial data. It also refers to introductory concepts and methodologies of practical familiarity with Geographic Information Systems software. The course covers subjects that highlight […]

Political Economy of the Agri-Food Sector

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Through the adoption of a “pluralistic” approach and critique of the mainstream economic theory, this course aims to: acquaint students with core thematic areas of economic theory analyse both the national and international agri-food system. Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to: Understand critical concepts of economics and the operation […]