Contact Info
Email: pkaranik@aua.gr
Phone: +30 210 529 4785
Karanikolas Pavlos
- PhD from the Department of Agricultural Economic and Rural Development of the Agricultural University of Athens.
- MSc from the Regional Development Institute.
- BSc from the Agricultural University of Athens.
Pavlos Karanikolas is a graduate of the Agricultural University of Athens (B.Sc., Ph.D.) and the Regional Development Institute (M.Sc.). He’s currently a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the AUA. He teaches Introduction to Economic Theory, Political Economy, Economics of European Integration (undergraduate) and Rural Development Policies (graduate). He has taken part to national and EU research Projects such as “Farming Transitions: Pathways Towards Regional Sustainability of Agriculture in Europe” (“FarmPath”, EU-FP7), and “Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security” (“SALSA”, EU-Horizon 2020).
His areas of interest include the political economy of agriculture, rural development, the design and implementation of rural development policies, as well as transition to sustainability.