Financing & Financial Analysis of Businesses in Agriculture
The course builds on the modules of Accounting I, Accounting II and Evaluation of Investments in Agriculture and it has a twofold aim: to acquaint students with the methods used to analyze the financial condition of an agricultural business; and to inform them in the manner by which firms can raise funds in order to finance their activities. In this context, the different forms and sources of business financing are examined from an accounting perspective with a detailed discussion of their individual characteristics.
Then, the discussion extends to Financial Statement Analysis and Business Finance and Portfolio Investment Analysis by examining the methods used to assess the financial position and liquidity of an agricultural enterprise as well as the management of its capital in the context of its cost of capital.
Upon successful completion of the course students of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development will be able to:
– Use the knowledge provided to select appropriate methods of Financial Analysis for the evaluation of agricultural enterprises.
– Utilize available techniques in corporate finance in order to gather, analyze, and interpret data related to the valuation, management and possible restructuring of an investment portfolio.
– Apprehend the range of possible financing tools for an agricultural enterprise and assess the potential risks involved in each case.
– Develop critical thinking for the collection and interpretation of financial data and the selection of appropriate analysis methods to assess the financial requirements of agricultural enterprises.