Contact Info
Phone: +30210 529 4892
Giannouzakou Alexia
MBA in Management of Tourism Enterprises, Greek Open University
MSc. in Sustainable Development, Harokopio University of Athens
BSc. in Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural University of Athens


Ms. Alexia Giannouzakou is a member of the Laboratory and Teaching Staff at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development. She has a BSc. in Agricultural Economics from the Agricultural University of Athens, an MBA in Tourism Business Administration by the Greek Open University and a MSc. in Sustainable Development with emphasis on Local Development by Harokopio University of Athens. Since 1995, in the framework of European and National Research Programs, she has been a collaborator of the scientific team of the Laboratory of Agricultural Policy & Cooperatives of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development.

CV Giannouzakou (EL)

Her scientific interests relate mainly to the sustainable development of rural areas and agricultural holdings, to the enhancing socio-economic action of alternative forms of tourism and activities in the countryside and to the status of local products and especially local food in the globalized economy.