Born in Cyprus, I enrolled to School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from where I graduated in 1982 with a degree in Mathematics. Afterwards, in 1985 I received a postgraduate degree, in Informatics and Operation Research, from School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since February 2006, I am a holder of PhD degree from Informatics Laboratory of Agricultural University of Athens in the knowledge domain area of “Knowledge Base Systems”. From April 1985 until July 2000 I worked at the Animal Breeding and Husbandry Department of Agricultural University of Athens, with the Statistical analysis of data as my major responsibility. Since August 2000 I am a member of the Special Laboratory and Teaching Staff of the Agricultural University of Athens at the Informatics Laboratory, teaching classes on Computers Programming and Databases. In parallel, I participate in the development and maintenance of the administrative applications of the university. Major author or coauthor of the technical specifications, and member of the development team, for various programmes of the University related to ITC, funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework of the European Union (2000-2006) or the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) (2007-2013). Such programmes are the Improvement of undergraduate studies in Agricultural University of Athens, Equipment of tele-teaching and Advanced Network Services in Agricultural University of Athens, Modernization and enrichment of the library of the Agricultural University of Athens, Online Electronic Services at AUA and Design and Implementation of a Digital Repository of the AUA. Single author or co-author of several research papers concerning knowledge representation and management, repositories and digital libraries and ontology development and usage.