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Phone: 210 529 4205
Leni Sophia
PhD Student.
PhD title: Land policy and rural systems. A GIS approach.
Supervisor: Vlachos Georgios, Assistant Professor
Supervising committee: B. Pappas, Professor University of Patras, Skourtos M., Professor
The research framework concerns existing land use policies, especially those relating to rural areas at European and national level, as well as related policies that include the concept of space. The main research questions focus on identifying and determining the pressures put in agricultural land from other uses, exploring the driving forces operating in a region and the changes in land use these forces are causing. The aim will be the generalization of the results as they result from the processing, interpretation and commenting of the case study data for the Greek space. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing, which provide the necessary tools for the field research and the digital environment for collecting, organizing, coding, controlling and visualizing the spatial information.